Acte du 4 mars 2010

Début de l'acte


DATE DEPOT : 2010-03-04


N" GESTION : 1992B15271

N° SIREN : 389505975



DATE D'ACTE : 2009/09/30



HARS 2010


Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire de

Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft fixée au 30 septembre 2009

A3 UMAo 6 cM Traduction des passages relatifs au changement de dénomination sociale

En conséguence, le Directoire et le Conseil de Surveillance proposent que la résolution suivante soit adoptée :

a. La résolution de modifier l'Article premier (1) des statuts adoptée lors de !'Assemblée Générale du 19 mai 2009, point 5 de l'ordre du jour, relative à au changement de dénomination de "Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft" en "UniCredit Bank HVB AG" est annulée.

b. L'Article premier (1) des statuts est modifié comme suit :

"La Société, constituée par la charte fondatrice en date du 8 mai 1869, en vertu de l'autorisation bancaire en date du 11 avril 1869, est une société anonyme de droit allemand (Aktiengesellschaft) ayant pour dénomination sociale UniCredit Bank AG"

c. Le Directoire a instruction de procéder, en application de la résolution b) ci-dessus, a la modification des statuts et a l'enregistrement de cette modification dans le Registre du Commerce, aprés mi-novembre 2009.



Extraordinary Gcneral Mceting of Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank Akticngesclischaft scheduled for 30 Scptenbcr 2009

Agenda and proposcd resolutions

1. Resolution on the a. cancellation of the resolution adopted at the ordinary General Meeting of the Company on 19 May 2009 under agenda item 5 concerning a change to the name of the Company in accordance with Art. 1 (1) of the articles of association and b, a (further) amendment of Art. 1 (1) of the articles of association

concerning the name of the Company

At the Annual General Meeting of our Company heid on 19 May 2009, nurnerous amendments to the articles of association were adopted under agenda item 5. Amongst other things, it was decided to change the name of the Company from "Bayerische Hypo- und Vcreinsbank Aktiengesellschaft" to "UniCredit HVB AG". With thc exception of the amendment of An. 1 (1), all further amendments adopted with regard to the articies of association have meanwhie becn entered in the Commercial Register. Such entries in the Commercial Register in respect of the Company are a prerequisite for thc amendments of the articles of association to be effective. Since the amendment of Art. 1 (1) of the articles of association (new Company name) has not been entered in the Commercial Register as yet, the amendment of the articles of association adopted on 19 May 2009 has therefore not become effective either.

The amendment of Art. 1 (1) of the articles of association adopted on 19 May 2009 concerning the Company's name change is now to be cancclled. In future, the Company is to trade as follows: "UniCredit Bank AG ".

Owing to the name change, several technical and other adjustments have becomc necessary; for instance, IT-related adjustments will be necessary; in addition, infornation on letterheads as well as other data on the Company will need to be modified. Preparations for the changeover will take some time to complete. To enable the entry of the Company's name change to be made as carly as possible in parallel with the adjustments referred to above, the filing for entry of the change to the articles of association to reflect the name change is not to be made until mid-November 2009.

Accordingly, the Management Board and Supervisory Board propose that the following resolution be adopted:

a. The resolution to amend Art. 1 (1) of the articles of association adopted at the General Meeting of 19 May 2009 under agenda item 5 concerning the Company's name change from "Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft" to "UniCredit HVB AG" is hereby cancelled.

b. Art. 1 (1) of the articles of association is hereby newly formulated as follows:

"The Company, which was founded in accordance with the concession of 11 April 1869 by the charter of 8 May 1869, is a public limited company, trading as UniCredit Bank AG ".

c. The Management Board is instructed to arrange for entry of the resolution to amend the articles of association adopted under b) above in the Cormmercial Register to be filed no sooner than mid-November 2009. 2. Resolution on thc amendment of Art. 15 of thc Articles of Association

The past Supervisory Board remuneration is to be adjusted to take account of the substantially higher worlload imposed on the members of the Audit Committec. Accordingly, in terms of Art. 15 sentence 4 of the Articles of Association of our Company, the annual remuneration to be made availablc to the Supervisory Board, the distribution of which is subject to a resolution of that body, is