Acte du 28 octobre 2004

Début de l'acte




2 8 OCT.2004 Copie a DEPOT N° Elise Auvray De Date 12 octobre 2004

Traduction du proces-verbal de nomination de Monsieur Paolo Ribotta comme Mandataire Général pour la France

Résolutions du Conseil d'Administration par circulaire de Zurich Compagnie d'Assurances du 2 septembre 2004

CONSIDERANT que la compagnie prend note du fait que Madame Francoise Carli quitte ses fonctions de Mandataire Général et Responsable en France de la succursale francaise de Zurich Compagnie d'Assurances ;

CONSIDERANT que la compagnie prend note que Monsieur Paolo Ribotta est préparé a prendre les fonctions de Mandataire Général et Responsable en France de la succursale francaise de Zurich Compagnie d'Assurances ;

PAR CONSEQUENT, le Conseil d'Administration prend par circulaire les résolutions suivantes :

1. Les pouvoirs précédemment confiés a Madame Francoise Carli le 18 février 2004, sont révoqués a compter du 4 septembre 2004.

2. Le Conseil approuve la nomination de Monsieur Paolo Ribotta comme, Mandataire Général et Responsable en France de la succursale francaise de Zurich Compagnie d'Assurances avec effet au 5 septembre 2004.

3. Le Conseil lui donne les pouvoirs nécessaires pour représenter la Compagnie, sur tous les sujets liés a l'activité de la Compagnie en France. Le Pouvoir est annexé aux présentes résolutions

Approbation : Lodewijk van Wachem, Président du Conseil Philippe Pidoux, Vice-président Thomas Escher Rosalind Gilmore Dana Mead 01 55 90 47 03 Armin Meyer 01 55 90 47 05 Vernon Sankey Gerhard Schulmeyer Rolf Warrer Zurich International (France)

96, rue Edouard Vaillant 92309 Levallois-Perret Cedex Légalisation officielle du Notaire france Zurich, le 12 octobre 2004

Tél. standard 01 55 90 45 00 Fax standard 01 55 90 45 05

Resolution by Written Consent of

the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Company of September 2, 2004

WHEREAS the company takes note of Mrs Francoise Carli lcaving the position of Branch Manager and General Representative of Zuricli Insurance Company, Fraace;

WHEREAS the company takes note that Mr Paolo Ribotta is prcpared to take over the function of Branch Manager and General Represcntative of Zurich Insurance Company, France;

NOW, THEREFORE the Board of Directors by this resolution by written consent RESOLVES as follows:

The Power of Attorney, granted to Mrs Francoise Carli on February 18, 2004 is revoked 1. as per September 4, 2004, 12.00 pm.

2. The Board of Directors approves the appointment of Mr Paolo Ribotta as Branch Manager of the Branch office and General Representativc of Zurich Insurance Company in France, effective as of September 5, 2004, 00.00 am.

3. The Board of Directors herewith authorizcs the issuance of the required powers of attorney to act for and represen't the Company in all rnatters relating to the business of the Company in France. The powers of attorney are attached to this resolution.


Place, datef Lodewijk van Wachem, Chairman

Place, date Philippe Pidoux, Vice-Chairman

Place, date Thomas Escher

Place, date Rosalind Gilmore

Place, date Dana Mead

Place, date Armin Meyer

Resolution by Written Consent of

the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Company

of September 2,2004

WHEREAS the company takes nott of Mrs Francoist Carli lcaving the position of Branch Manager and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company, Fratice;

WHEREAS the company takes note that Mr Paolo Ribotta is prepared to take over the function of Branch Manager and General Represcntative of Zurich Insurance Company, France:

NOW, THEREFORE the Boatd of Directors by this resolution by written consent RESOLVES as follows:

The Power of Attorney, granted to Mrs Francoise Carli on February 18, 2004 is revoked 1. as per September 4, 2004,12.00 pm

The.Board of Directors approves the appointment of Mr Paolo Ribatta as Branch 2. Manager of the Branch office and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company in France, effective as of September 5, 2004, 00.00 am.

3. The Board of Directors herewith authorizes thc issuance of the required powers of attorney to act for and represen't the Company in ali matters relating to the business of the Company in France. The powers of attorney are attached to this resolution.


Place, date Lodewijk van Wachem, Chairman

Philippe Pidoux, Vice-Chairman Place, date

Place, date Thomas Escher

Place, date Rosalind Gilmore

Place, date Dana Mead

Place, date Armin Meyer

Resolution by Written Consent of

the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Company

of September 2, 2004

WHEREAS the company takes note of Mrs Frangoise Carli leaving the position of Branch Manager and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Cornpany, Fraace;

WHEREAS the company takes nott that Mr Paolo Ribotta is prcpared to take over the function of Branch Manager and General Represcntative of Zurich Insurance Company, France;

NOW,THEREFORE the Board of Directors by this resolution by written consent RESOZVES as follows:

1. The Power of Attorney, granted to Mrs Francoise Carli on February 18, 2004 is revoked as per September 4, 2004, 12.00 pm.

The Board of Directors approves the appointinent of Mr Paolo Ribotta as Branch 2. Manager of the Branch office and Gencral Representativc of Zurich Insurance Coinpany in France, effective as of September 5, 2004, 00.00 am.

3. The Board of Directors herewith authorizes thc issuance of the required powers of attorney to act for and represen't the Company in all matters relating to the business of the Company in France. The powers of attorney are attached ro this resolution.


Place, date Lodewijk van Wachem, Chairnan

Place, dare Philippe oux, Vice-Chairman Unrh OY Place, date Thomas Escher

Place, date Rosalind Gilmore

Place, dare Dana Mead

Place, date Armin Meyer

Resolution by Written Consent of

the Board of Directors of

Zurich Insurance Company

of September 2, 2004

WHEREAS the company takes riote of Mrs Francoise Carli leaving the position of Branch Manager and General Represtnuative of Zurich Insurance Company, France:

WHEREAS the compaiy takes nore that Mr Paolo Ribotta is ptepated to take over the function of Branth Manager and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company, France;

NOW, THEREFORE the Board of Directors by rhis resolurion by written consent RESOLVES as follows:

1. The Powet ofAttorney, granted to Mrs Francoise Carli on February 18, 2004 is revoked as per September 4, 2004, 12.00 pm.

The Board of Directors approves the appointnent of Mr Paolo Ribotta as Branch 2. Manager of the Branch offce and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company in France, ctfective as of September 5, 2004, 00.00 aix.

3. The Board of Directors herewith authorizas the issuance of the required powers of attorney to act for and represen't the Company in all matters relating to the business of the Company in France. The powers of attethey are attached to this tesolution.


Piace: dare Lodewijk van Wachern, Chairnan

Place, date Philippe Pidoux, Vice-Chairman

Piace, dare Thomas Escher

09:09.04 VecG Pikce, date Rosalind Gilmore

Piace, date Dana Mead

Place: date Armin Meyer

Resolution by Written Consent of

the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Company of September 2, 2004

WHEREAS the company takes note of Mrs Francoise Carli leaving the position of Branch Manager and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company, France;

WHEREAS the company takes note that Mr Paolo Ribotta is prepared to take over the function of Branch Manager and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company, France;

NOW, THEREFORE the Board of Directors by this resolution by written consent RESOLVES as follows:

The Power of Attorney, granted to Mrs Francoise Carli on February 18, 2004 is 1. revoked as per September 4, 2004, 12.00 pm.

2. The Board of Directors approves the appointment of Mr Paolo Ribotta as Branch Manager of the Branch office and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company in France, effective as of September 5, 2004, 00.00 am.

3. The Board of Directors herewith authorizes the issuance of the required powers of attorney to act for and represent the Company in all matters relating to the business of the Company in France. The powers of attorney are attached to this resolution.


Place, date Lodewijk van Wachem, Chairman

Place, date Philippe Pidoux, Vice-Chairman

Place, date Thomas Escher

Place, date Rosalind Gilme: Cmn.NE,S/oY Place, date Dana Mead

Place, date Armin Meyer

Place, date Vernon Sankey

Resolution by Written Consent of the Board of Directors of Zurich Insurance Company

of Septernber 2, 2004

WiYEREAS the company takes note of Mrs Francoise Carli lcaving the position of Branch Manager and General Representative of Zurich Insurance Company, Frauce;

WHEREAS the cornpany takes note that Mr Paolo Ribotta is prcpared ro take over the function of Branch Mianager and General Represcntative of Zurich Insurance Company, France;

NOW, THEREFORE the Board of Directors by this resolution by written consent RESOLVES as fi llo*s:

The Power of Attorney, granted to Mrs Frangoise Carli on February 18, 2004 is revoked 1. as per Septembcr 4, 2004, 12.00 pm.

2 The Board of Directors approves the appointnent of Mr Paolo Ribotta as Branch Manager of the Braach office and Gencral Representativc of Zurich Insurance Company in France, effective as of September 5, 2004, 00.00 am.

3. The Board of Directors herewith authorizcs thc issuance of the required powers of attceney to act for and represen't the Company in all matters relating to the business of the Company in France. The powers of attomey are attached to this resolution.


Place, date Lodewijk van Wachem, Chairman

Viace, date Philippe Pidoux, Vice-Chairman

Tlace, aare Thomas Escher

Place. date Rosalind Gilmore

Flace, date

BasoQ oz1oq/2oa4 Piace, date nin Mey

Place, date

Place, date Gerhard Schultneyer

Place, date Rolf Watter

Place, date Vernoh Sar

Place, date GerKuta'S#hulmeyer

Place, date Rolf Watter

UU41 l 1 6zu 31 83

Place, date Vernon Sanke

,3xpt.. Gezhard Schuyney

Place, date Rolf Watte

Légalisation officielle

La présente copie est exactement conforme au document gui nous a été présenté ce jour comme étant l'original.

Zurich,le 12 octobre 2004 NOTARIAT ENGE-ZURICH B No. 6460/1 Taxe: fr. 60.--

NOTA CH W. Meier Notariatsassistent